— About us

We are products
of our environment

WDPRK was born out of necessity. Over the last few years we, like many of you, have spent a lot of time living and working out of our home.

The importance of having a space that struck a balance of style and usability became a priority so we set out to find an affordable solution to elevate our environment. We knew and loved the bespoke slatted-wood aesthetic, but with lumber prices and skilled trade costs at all time highs, we wanted to find a different way to do things. A way to save money and effort but still achieve beautiful results.

Our goal is to help our clients transform their spaces into something they can feel proud of in all residential or commercial environments with our luxury wood-finished panels. We can't wait to see what you build with them.

What is WDPRK?

The idea of creating a playground for your space, to have no limitations, to let your creativity fly, is at the core of our values as a brand. We wanted to fuse those beliefs with our love for wood, its warmth, its ability to transform a space. So we have wood, and we have parks and play, and coincidentally, we grew up in southwest Calgary on a street named Woodpark Blvd.

There couldn't possibly be a better name than that, right? And so we took a modern spin on Woodpark and WDPRK was born.

Coffees consumed
Design possibilities
Commitment to customers